The DeerHunting Passion Builds and Grows Like Wildfire

And so we meet again my SpiritWild BloodBrothers at the next best thing to a down and dirty honest to God all American, backstrap sizzling deerhunting family glowing campfire. In case I have failed to do so lately, on behalf of the many millions of dedicated hunting families across the land, thank you Dan Schmidt, Alan Clemons and all behind the scenes of our electronic campfire for providing this never ending, year-round communication for the sport and lifestyle we so cherish.

By Ted Nugent

Deer and deerhunting forever!! You guys ROCK! Excelsior!

On behalf of this old gutpile possessed, spirit obsessed guitarslammin’ backstrapper, I personally thank you for having me be a part of this incredible BloodBrother connection. Who could have ever thunk that the author of Wango Tango and other worldclass lovesongs would possibly qualify to express the heart and soul of our beloved hunting spirit?

Truly God works in mysterious ways. Thank You God!

Shemane, Sasha and Caeden are proof of the deerhunting passion fires!
Shemane, Sasha and Caeden are proof of the deerhunting passion fires!

It is the fiery, powerfully instinctual reasoning predator passion that I wish to elaborate on here, in this my 148th NugeBlog.

I know a thing or two (everything!) about passion, for it was the exploding, unleashed passion for ferocious guitar driven rock-n-roll and the effervescent mystical flight of the arrow that suckerpunched me broadside, upside my little toe-head way back in 1953 or thereabouts when a 5 year old young Ted was struck by the twin lightning bolts from my two-pronged American Dream passions.

I mean C’mon! Born in 1948, reverberating uncontrollably in the blinding glow of the mushroom cloud of Les Paul’s electrification of the guitar and in the Michigan excitement of Fred Bear’s celebration and promotion of bowhunting, how could anyone avoid the splendor and the spectacle?

I type this on my battered laptop at 20,000 feet on my way to another outrageous Sonic Baptizm rock-n-roll concert after spending day after day, as always, reveling in the amazing music my killer bandmates Greg Smith and Jason Hartless create every night, spurred on to indescribably intense inspiration from vibrant throngs of music loving audiences every night, and the joys of sharing hunting stories with hunting buddies in every city, every night, all summer long, forever.

When the dust settles on September 4th, 2016, after performing my 6573rd high energy, firebreathing musical rockout, I take home with me not only the phenomenal musical happiness, but just as important, the shared love of our hunting lifestyle from 6573 gatherings backstage, at hotels or restaurants with passionate hunters just like ourselves.

At every concert since my earliest days back in Detroit, the shared passionate love of hunting has permeated my every day.

Our fascination and love affair with wild animals is universal. Our reverence for wildlife and wildground is everywhere.

The ethical dedication to aim small miss small and to kill quickly and humanely is the ubiquitous driving force of hunters everywhere.

The pure instinct of wise use conservation is the mantra of hunters worldwide.

The increasing dedication to recruit new sporters is exciting and gratifying.

The heartbreak and condemnation of soulless animal-rights freaks is palpable and far reaching.

Uncle Ted doesn't mind running an arrow through a swampdonkey shedeer to put meat on the table!
Uncle Ted doesn’t mind running an arrow through a swampdonkey shedeer to put meat on the table!

The exciting increase in “we the people” activism against dishonest and corrupt bureaucrats is refreshing and hopeful.

The joys of experimenting with advances in technology and always interesting new equipment while retaining the purity of traditional hunting techniques is alive and well.

The increasing awareness of the perfection of wild game as the smartest, healthiest, most nutritious diet and environmentally friendly procedure is encouraging.

So it goes in the summer of 2016 where the rock-n-roll is as good as it gets, and the truth about nature’s tooth, fang and claw honesty throttles on in that not so quiet night.

Goodluck to my deerhunting BloodBrothers as you kick off those wonderful early seasons in California and Florida.

I don’t know about you, even though it is only July, but as I strap on my gorgeous Gibson Byrdland to rock people into fire-eyed ecstasy, more and more everyday, “I smell fall!”

Passion is as passion does! Passion on!

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning

2016 DDH Whitetail Wall CalendarFrom Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the 2016 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2016 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars today!

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