Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Ted Nugent hunts more than 300 days a year and is fired up every single time he's in the woods!
Ted Nugent hunts more than 300 days a year and is fired up every single time he’s in the woods!

Summer 2014? Are you kidding me? I hate to subject you and me to predictable status quo colloquialisms, but here she goes; my, how time flies when we’re having fun!

So if my calculations are correct, this little Nuge ditty oughtta be showing up on your intergalactic electronic hand-held device sometime on Thursday, June 12th, just about the time the Nugent family is loading up their bags in Rome for the flight back home from a little Euro jaunt.

By Ted Nugent

My confidence cup runneth over when I tell you that my killer band and I rocked the living sinew out of 35000 Euro rockers at the Sweden Rocks festival on June 5, and Shemane and Rocco and friend had a wonderful time in Italy for a few days of family R&R shortly thereafter.

Me, I was driven to return home to Texas after the skeleton abusing ultraROCKOUT in Sweden to tend to my aching new knees. I quote the universally revered greatest philosopher of alltimes, his majesty Dirty Harry, when I succumb to the truism that a good man needs to know his limitations. My obvious mobility limitations forced me to head home for further rehab in preparation for the throttling SHUTUP&JAM! Summertour. Ted Nugent and the Subhuman Mongrels will be performing at a venue near you sometime this summer as is the timeless tradition between hunting seasons.

Oh how sweet it is.

I would also like to announce that I appear at numerous family sporting events around the country when schedule permits, and I am proud and excited to be the featured speaker at the huge Rick and Bubbas Great America Sportsman’s event in Birmingham, Alabama on Father’s Day, June 14. I hope to see a bunch of my fellow spirit backstrap BloodBrothers there. If you’re not having fun with me, well, poor you.

Ted Nugent

I am also confident that you and your families are enjoying a wonderful summer 2014 so far with family and friends, and like us, still working hard and playing hard to live our ultimate American Dreams as we see fit.

Here at CampNuge, some mighty intense excitement is in the air as we anticipate the unleashing of my 40th something recording SHUTUP&JAM! And a roustabout tour across America of the same name.

I’ve written a whole bunch of killer lovesongs (yes friends, STRANGLEHOLD and FREDBEAR are indeed definitive lovesongs) but everybody is pretty psyched about the rocking jams on SHUTUP&JAM! Things are going to get hyper crazy any day now.



So what else is new?

With the kids and grandkids out of school, it’s summertime and the living is easy, as the classic American blues song goes.

Deerseason is still a painful four months off, even though it kicks off in California in July, South Carolina in August and some western states in September.

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June is still killer bearseason across most of Canada and Alaska, and even in some Western states in the US.

Warm weather hunting isn’t for everybody, but the incredible Texas exotic and hog seasons never ends in the mighty Lone Star State and it represents some of the most exciting hunting and best venison the world has to offer. If we indeed celebrate deer and deer huntin, you haven’t done it all till you hunt the sika, fallow, red and axis deer running wild in Texas. You really oughtta try it ASAP. It’s special.

Some guys can get time off for such extended summertime hunting opportunities, and logistical prioritization goes a long way in cultivating and manipulating some amazing hunts right here in North America.

I know many hunters who are over in Africa right now, with many more heading to the Dark Continent all summer long for some of the most amazing hunting available on planet earth. I sure miss it.

To all of you summertime manipulators, congratulations for being able to do so and good luck in all your hunting adventures.

For those of you who think it’s too expensive and out of reach, I would advise looking into it in more detail, as some of these hunts are right in line price wise with your average Midwest deerhunt on Jimmy Bobs farm in Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota and all those wonderful deerhunting states . The fun factor is off the charts.

We created our own SUNRIZE SAFARIS (517.750.9060) booking, guiding and outfitting operation many years ago as a direct result of people around the world who were seeking direction and advice about the wild hunting lifestyle the crazy guitar player was always raving about. We have found some of the best hunting operations around the world and can hook you up. Give Paul or my son Toby a call if you’re looking to expand your hunting adventures or crossing off dreams from your bucket list.

Celebrate hunting!
Celebrate hunting!

I will be rockin myself into SHUTUP&JAM! R&B&R&R oblivion again this summer, but Mrs. Nugent and my family and I are making plans now for some summer hunting fun in 2015, and with any luck, I will continue to join you here at deeranddeerhunting.com to share our immeasurable love and appreciation of our hunting lifestyle together.

I know it’s called deeranddeerhunting.com, but I know for a fact that 99.9% of my fellow deerhunters enjoy all sorts of various and diverse hunting fun. The more we hunt anything, the better the deerhunter we will be. Sacred backstraps are available in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, species, tastes and challenging conditions. And every hunt will cleanse the soul. SHUTUP&CLEANSE!

Again, thank you all for your support here at deeranddeerhunting.com, and feel free to Email any questions you may have that you feel I could be qualified to chime in on. I am more than happy to share the wisdom of the masters who taught me so much about our beloved hunting lifestyle.

Meanwhile, I’d highly recommend that we all just SHUTUP&HUNT!

Want more Ted? Visit his site for news, tour dates and more: www.TedNugent.com



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1 thought on “Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

  1. U.T.! Thanks for your sympathy – I was unable to attend in Birmingham due to work. Boo-hoo! All crocodile tears appreciated. Good luck with the new knees – keep ’em shiny!

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