I just got back in from sitting in the stand tonight. Weather showed 7 mph NNE wind all evening. That is the perfect wind for this stands location being on the edge of a fresh cut corn field. This farm I have not hunted in a full year, My hopes where high as I set out to harvest a doe for the freezer. Justin and I no more then got into the stand and the camera set up. It was if someone turned on a switch, here come the wind 20 mph+. We sat through it in hopes the wind would lay down this evening but it didn’t. A few does still came out but where very spooky with the high winds. I had a big mature doe walking the edge of the corn field straight to me. I could not get a shot because the shooting lanes I once had don’t exist anymore. ( moral of the story always keep your shooting lanes cleaned out). As she walked into the one shooting lane I had she spooked and took off running for the next county. But it was still a great night hunting! I have been seeing more buck sign as the rubs an scrapes keep appearing on the field edges.

Surprising that we’ve had so many Northern winds this early in the season. Everyday I hunted last week (3 times) had a NW or NE wind blowing. I have my early season stands set up mainly SW winds, which is generally the predominant wind for this time of the season.