After a four-year effort to implement the Outdoor Heritage Enhanced Act, this state finally allowed Sunday hunting on public land this year.

After a four-year effort to implement the Outdoor Heritage Enhanced Act, this state finally allowed Sunday hunting on public land this year.
It’s that time of year to do some serious scouting! Remember that scouting practices also have regulations. Here are some to keep in mind.
Which states ban deer urine? The list changes periodically, but these are the current regulations in the U.S.
The final version of the state budget includes a provision to lower the minimum age for deer hunting with a firearm or crossbow from 14 to 12.
State lawmakers voted to extend the firearm season an extra day, helping combat the spread of CWD.
Ted Nugent and Dan Schmidt question the reasoning behind some state regulations on crossbows, lighted nocks, trail cameras, shed hunting and more.