Crowdfunding Hits Outdoors Industry With New Zero-G Carbon Fiber Scope Mount

Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing has become popular the last few years as an easy, effective way to raise money for projects, products or services and now it’s found a spot in the outdoors industry.

Zero-G Advanced Carbon Fiber Scope Mount
Zero-G Advanced Carbon Fiber Scope Mount

Jeff Wong and Matt Foster co-founded Zero-G and have created an advanced carbon fiber scope mount for AR-style rifles. The mount is created through a compression molding process that produces rings perfectly aligned with each other. The process also eliminates stress on the scope tube when properly mounted.

They’re seeking $30,000 in startup money to get the ball rolling on production. Thus, the crowdfunding effort. Interested folks can purchase Zero-G items, from caps to a package consisting of a mount and scope, for different prices. Or a straight donation can be made to help the project get started.

Sound strange? Well, it’s not. It’s just different. Crowdfunding is incredibly popular and effective within the technology industry. Entrepreneurs have funded everything from mobile phone apps and computer programs to larger projects, all with the help of consumers who think it’s a cool deal and want to chip in. Similarly, organizations have crowdfunded projects to help with community service projects such as building homes for the needy.

Wong has more than 15 years of experience as a small business owner manufacturing and selling products to the military, industrial, automotive and the outdoor recreational markets. Foster has been in the outdoor and shooting sports industry for 17 years, responsible for innovative and market-driven products in both firearm and firearm accessories companies.

I spoke with Foster a few weeks ago about this project and he’s pretty excited. They believe this new scope mount can find a home within the hunting and shooting sports industry. They just need a few folks to believe that with them.

Check out the Zero-G info by clicking here.


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