DeerFest to Donate All Proceeds to Children’s Charity

The nation’s biggest all-deer festival not only will attract a lot of hunting celebrities, but it also will donate 100 percent of its proceeds to a charity that assists underprivileged children.

Amanda Thomas is one of several guests appearing at DeerFest. She is a model and actress for Linda McAlister Talent out of Dallas and Los Angeles, and just so happens to be an ardent whitetail hunter.
Amanda Thomas is one of several guests appearing at DeerFest. She is a model and actress for Linda McAlister Talent out of Dallas and Los Angeles, and just so happens to be an ardent whitetail hunter.

The fifth annual DeerFest is — as its name suggests — about all things deer and deer hunting. It will be held in Witchita Falls, Texas. DeerFest is a family-friendly event scheduled for Aug. 3 at the MPEC Exhibit Hall in Wichita Falls, Texas.

DeerFest will benefit the Adopt a Box charity that is now supplying kids in 21 north Texas counties with personal hygiene products.

All proceeds will help fund the Adopt A Box Program, a local charity designed to provide children in need with basic hygiene items. Proceeds along with any donations will help children not only with these items but also with confidence and personal well-being.

Deer Fest and Operation Game Thief will team up to bring the “Wall of Shame” featuring some of the largest game animals killed illegally in north Texas and confiscated by Texas Parks and Wildlife Division game wardens.

Officials with TPWD will be on hand to discuss the Operation Game Thief program and how being aware in the field and reporting any poaching or suspicious activity can help them make cases against those who negatively affect landowners and legitimate hunters.

Bass Tubs of Oklahoma brings us the Ultimate Shootout Archery Trailer, and new this year are members of the popular television show Sons of Guns.

Also new this year are Breakout Sessions with some top experts sharing their insights for hunting and management. You’ll be able to learn about their experiences and get answers to your questions so you can be ready when hunting season arrives.

Also appearing at DeerFest: UFC contender Bubba McDaniel.
Also appearing at DeerFest: UFC contender Bubba McDaniel.

Other attractions include vendor booths, live and silent auction items,  Junior Anglers Catch tank and live entertainment.

For more information about the event go here.

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