Drink Booze, Ride A Bike, Fight A Bear

In the weird news of the day, an Alaska man flinging barbecued meat at a bear realized that probably wasn’t a wise idea after the bruin decided to attack.

Jesus Mabalot, 38, was drinking at a church picnic near Eklutna Lake Campground and figured a bicycle ride would be a good idea. He also took some barbecued meat with him for his drunken ride.

After spotting a bear, Mabalot flung a hunk of meat at the bear. Tasty goodies! Then, fueled by the liquid courage coursing through his flittering brain cells, Mabalot tossed a chunck to the bear a second time. That’s when things got outta control.

Alaska State Trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen told the Anchorage Daily News that Mabalot was attacked by the bear. It obviously figured Mabalot was a bigger bite of barbecue. Sounds like Mabalot was marinated but not completely pickled.

Mabalot sustained scratches to his body in the attack and was treated at a nearby hospital. He also received a citation for illegally feeding wildlife.

If you’re going to drink and fight bears, you better be tough because you never know what might happen.

Check out the full story here from the Anchorage Daily News.

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