When you’re watching bucks interacting with other bucks in summer bachelor groups, can you figure out what they’re doing out in the field each evening?
How about how does act in summer, when they have fawns nearby, versus later in autumn or winter when their young fawns are older? What about when does with fawns get around bucks?
Maybe you’ve seen game camera images of a deer, or many deer, coming to a mineral lick or bait pile you’re using for population surveys. What do their actions in front of the camera tell you?
As hunters we’re always learning, watching and trying to figure out whitetail behavior. Years of research, boosted probably in the last three decades most greatly due to cameras and more intense interest in white-tailed deer, has continued to fuel our desire for knowledge to assist with deer and habitat management, recreation and hunting.
Dan Schmidt, editor of Deer & Deer Hunting, will lend insight into some of those whitetail habits today on Deer Talk Now. The webcast, broadcast every other Wednesday in summer, begins at 12 p.m. Central from Deer & Deer Hunting headquarters in Wisconsin and is presented by Mathews, Carbon Express, ICOTec.
All Deer Talk Now shows are archived for viewing at any time and feature notable guests such as Ted Nugent, Donald Trump Jr., Don Higgins, Mark Drury, Mathews archery founder Matt McPherson, veteran writers Bob Robb and Charles Alsheimer, Travis “T-Bone” Turner, biologist Jeremy Flinn, and others. Archived shows can be found here anytime at www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-talk-now-archives
Deer Talk Now features not only deer and deer hunting information, but also some of the latest hunting gear and educational information found in ShopDeerHunting.com designed to help hunters. Hundreds of items are available at ShopDeerHunting.com, from apparel, hunting accessories, books and DVDs to cookbooks to help you prepare great dishes at home or camp.
Watch Deer Talk Now at 12 p.m. Central on Wednesday at www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-talk-now or watch archived shows anytime at www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-talk-now-archives to get the latest info about deer and deer hunting!

Want more great information about white-tailed deer and their habits, how to maximize your hunting strategies and more? Then you should get veteran hunter and researcher Charles Alsheimer’s “Strategies For Whitetails” now! With more than four decades of hunting and research, Alsheimer has packed this great book with tons of information and his insights into the rut, habitat, behavior and more. Plus, it’s on sale! BUY IT HERE