Check out which Mossberg shotguns won the Shotgun of the Year by American Hunter and Long Gun of the Year by NRA Women.

Check out which Mossberg shotguns won the Shotgun of the Year by American Hunter and Long Gun of the Year by NRA Women.
Conservationists rejoice! In the abject darkness of world conditions in 2021, there is a shining ray of hopeful light, as more and more Americans are rediscovering and returning to their throbbing pulsations deep within their purest instinct to reconnect with their natural touch with nature as healer.
I hope and encourage my fellow conservationists to think real hard about joining your home state’s hunting-rights and gun-rights organizations to be a force to reckon with for the future of our outdoors lifestyle.
Let us give sincere thanks that we are Americans, where we the people choose our individual life, liberty and pursuit of backstrap happiness.
Our magic fall time is coming on strong now. Hunt like you mean it but always dedicate as much time as possible to celebrate, promote and recruit. The culture war does not take a break during hunting season.
Ted Nugent believes introducing youngsters to the fun and safe practices of firearms requires maturity from parent and child to ensure a successful outcome.
Millions and millions of American families are celebrating the amazing springtime spirit of renewal like they mean it! Fresh fish filets and wild turkey breasts are cooking all across the land, along with those incredibly scrumptious morel mushrooms, wild scallions, leeks, fiddle-head ferns and some early wild berries. Wild asparagus will sprout soon and dandelion […]
I fired up my 4-wheeler and took the dogs for our daily run around our sacred swamp again this morning. I strapped on my Glock pistol and loaded up my 12 gauge shotgun and .22 rifle in hopes of bagging a few bushytails for the pot. We cruised up and down the spectacular fall woodland […]
Ah yes! Celebrate with me won’t you the glowing perfection of this phenomenal one of a kind, unprecedented, uniquely American we the people experiment in self-government in the good old US of A! Say it loud and proud; “Glory Glory Hallelujah and God bless America and the mighty National Rifle Association!” By Ted Nugent Nowhere […]
Ms. Sandra S. Froman has been appointed to the Board of Directors for Sturm, Ruger & Company, effective immediately. Froman has established herself as a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the protections it guarantees are preserved. She is a Past President of the National Rifle Association and […]