Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted harvested an 8-point whitetail buck in Morrow County last week with a TenPoint crossbow.

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted harvested an 8-point whitetail buck in Morrow County last week with a TenPoint crossbow.
This year marks two years since Cynthia Wiford of Ohio fell 16 feet from a ladder stand. Since then, she’s recovered her health and is recovering big bucks each year.
Katie Husted’s very first deer hunt ended with a giant mainframe 10-point that could be pushing 170 inches.
Brian Bilinovich is seeing BIG bucks during his hunt, including an 8-, 9- and an 11-pointer. Which deer will he get a shot at? Find out.
Rick White suffers some broken ribs from a fall on the job. Will he be able to sit out a long week in Iowa and find some success? Find out in this episode.
Midwestern ingenuity, shooting tips from the pros and a bit of Ohio luck with one heckuva buck!
Tanner Edenfield has his eye on a mature buck that is cruising his lease in Ohio.
The number of buck and antlerless deer tags available is always a complex balance in herd management, and this experienced deer biologist sheds some light on many of the factors involved.
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with a longtime state deer manager to discuss the impacts that crossbows have had on the state’s deer herd and hunting seasons – and his answers may surprise some.
This normally nocturnal giant finally decided to get up and move in daylight with cold temperatures and high pressure. Bill Luli was in the right place at the right time and was ready.