Nothing screams such American independence and rugged individualism quite like the hunting lifestyle, and it could very well end up being upon us to make the precarious quality of life upgrade in these trying times.
Tag: politics
Deadline for American Deer Hunters
In the context of the hunting season, which just so happens to be the voting season, which just so happens to qualify for the deadline for America and our uniquely American freedom-based, outdoor way of life if you are honest and aware enough to admit it.
The Politics of Deer Hunting
If anything about the American Dream screams politics, it is our hunting rights, gun rights, private property rights and the freedom to participate in God’s miraculous creation of renewable conservation.
The Politics of Hunting
If ever there were an arena where we-the-people politics is critical and essential, it is in the world of hunting rights and gun rights. Way too many hunters have been in the liability column, standing on the sidelines, failing to engage in the life-and-death culture war against us.
CWD Transmission: Sound Science vs. Bureaucrats
After wasting more than $100 MILLION of our hard-earned money on research, there is absolutely no sound scientific evidence whatsoever linking feeding or baiting deer to the occurrence of CWD or any other cervid disorder or disease.
Political Hunters Rejoice!
Politics! I’ve heard it over and over again and again for so many years, “That Nugent is just too damn political!” What a terrible shame that any American can reference politics as anything negative, when in fact American politics is pure and simply we the people demanding Constitutional accountability from our elected employees. Got that? […]