Thank You My Spirit BloodBrothers

It is at this time I wish to humbly take a bended knee and genuflect at the altar of the immeasurable goodwill and positive spirit from my fellow hunting families around the world, and with much deep emotion, express my very sincere thanks to everyone who reaches out to me with extremely generous and very tempting invitations to join you all on so many wonderful hunts and spirit campfires across the land.

The End Is The Beginning

Give me a moment here, would you please. I must gather my thoughts, calm my nerves and do everything in my substantial power to manage the tsunami of emotional wreckage currently coming undone. You see, it is the end of February 2021, and my beloved white-tailed deer season in Texas comes to a painful, heartbreaking, screeching halt on March 1st, and quite honestly, I just don’t know what to do with my bad-self.