So Who’s Still Against This Successful Urban Deer Hunt?

Urban deer hunting programs are designed to offer bowhunters the opportunity to help communities with deer overpopuation problems in controlled settings and more cities are getting on board with these outstanding projects. One is getting ready for its second year and officials and hunters couldn’t be happier. Even residents — most of them, other than […]

Another City Considers Ineffective ‘Birth Control’ for Deer

You’d think that taxpayers eventually would get fed up with civic leaders throwing away money on ineffective wildlife management, but they apparently don’t care or don’t realize that what’s going on is a waste of time. Yet another community is considering the use of contraceptive drugs and the time-consuming effort to give these to white-tailed […]

Nature Preserves Being Hit by Deer, State Wants Them Dead

In an effort to control deer populations affecting native plant communities, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources will coordinate special gun and archery deer hunts at five state nature preserves across the state. High quality habitats at several state nature preserves have been negatively impacted by over-browsing deer. For example, large flowered trillium-Ohio’s state wildflower […]