2016 SHOT Show: Best New Gear from Bloodsport

Mechanical and fixed-blade broadheads have their advantages, so most bowhunters make their choice based on which disadvantages they can best live with. BloodSport Grave Digger hybrid broadheads offer all the advantages of both fixed-blades and mechanicals, with none of the drawbacks. Let’s face it, fixed-blade shooters would love to have the super accuracy and large holes […]

SHOT Show 2015 Muzzleloaders: The Best Bang for Your Buck

There’s a stiff breeze in my face, and the flighty 8-pointer is standing broadside 125 yards away. Did I select the right charge combination to get the job done? If you’re like me, you’ve ruminated over muzzleloader charges, tinkering time and time again to come up with the right configuration There’s no better place to […]

SHOT Show 2015: The Best Tips for Using a Spotting Scope

The 37th Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show opened its doors Jan. 20, giving many industry insiders and the media a first-look at the new hunting, target shooting and law enforcement gear available this year. By Darren Warner Standing among literally thousands of vendors, I need to focus on the task at hand: checking out the […]