Hang onto your safety harness boys and girls, for the real deerhunting excitement has just begun in earnest.

Hang onto your safety harness boys and girls, for the real deerhunting excitement has just begun in earnest.
Dan Schmidt has a venison marinade for you that will make any backstrap-eating experience even more magical than it already is.
No matter where you deer hunt, the smarter and more tuned in we hunt will always make for the most gratifying experiences, kill or no kill. Eventually all those lessons will teach us how to improve our predatorship responsibilities and strategies, and the spirit backstraps will eventually flow!
Aim small miss small and backstrap like you mean it! This is the only October 2019 we will ever have! Don’t let a minute of it get away from you!
Down here in the Southeast we have a little snack cake called a Moon Pie, which is quite revered as a genuine southern tradition for lazy summer days fishing for catfish or bluegills or a good addition to a deer camp lunch. The Moon Pie was created in Chattanooga. Some folks love ’em and some, well, […]