4 Best Venison Marinades

Wanting to switch up your typical venison dinner? Try using one of these marinades to add flavor and tenderness.

1. Red Wine Marinade

Photo by David Gilane.

Mix 1 cup dry red wine, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp. white vinegar, 1 cup cooking oil, 1 small onion (minced), and 1 tsp. salt. 

Marinate a 3-pound round steak overnight in a non-metal container, being sure the meat is covered, or turning it a couple of times. Grill the meat, brushing with marinade.

— Judy Helgeland, Mequon, WI

2. Wine or Whiskey Marinade

  • 9 tbsp. whiskey, or red or white wine
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp. oregano
  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. basil
  • 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp. MSG
  • 2 tbsp. cooking oil
  • 1 tsp. fresh ground pepper

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Place meat (about 2-3 lbs.) in marinade and place in refrigerator for 12 hours. Remove meat from marinade and cook over direct heat (coals, broiler) or place meat in a Dutch oven with 1 cup water and roast covered at 250-degrees F for 3-4 hours. Serves 4-6.

— Lorraine Vogt, Burnsville, MN

3. Marinated Venison/Bear Steak

We used an Outdoor Edge ErgoMax processing knife to slice our freshly cooked marinated venison steak. Photo by David Gilane.

1-1/2 lbs. meat

1/4 c. bacon fat


4 tbsp. soy sauce

2 tbsp. cooking oil

2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

Juice of 1/2 lemon

4 tbsp. wine vinegar

1 clove garlic, crushed


Place meat and marinade in one-gallon plastic self-sealing bag. Marinate overnight in the refrigerator, turning at least once to be sure all meat is covered. Pour meat, marinade and bacon fat into an electric frying pan set at 275-degrees F and cook until done (about 45 minutes), turning once so it cooks evenly.

If animal is young, there is no need to marinate. This recipe can also be used with moose or elk steak.

To cook young chops or tenderloin, melt butter or margarine in heavy iron skillet, add meat to hot pan with 1 cup chopped onions and sauté, turning often until browned. Salt and pepper to taste. Serves 4-6.

— Linda Tearney Milwaukee, WI

4. Marinated Creamy Grilled Round Roast

  • 1 (2-3 lbs.) round venison roast
  • 1/4 – 1/3 C. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 – 1/3 C. soy sauce
  • 1-2 Tbsp. liquid smoke (optional)
  • 1 (16 oz.) bottle creamy Italian dressing (regular or zesty)

Mix all liquids together; cover roast and jab with fork to let in all juices. Chill 24 hours in refrigerator. At 12 hours, turn meat and jab again with fork. The mixture will cover roast if you have a deep, narrow bowl or use double plastic bags. Remove meat from marinade, keeping marinade. Heat remaining marinade to boiling point. Grill meat lightly. Baste and turn it frequently. Grill for 20-30 minutes depending on size of roast. Any leftover marinade can be served at the table for dipping the meat. Serves 4-6.

— Gary A. Lucas, Powell, OH 

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