Rut Secrets Revealed in Info-Packed, Must-Have Guide

Because normally secretive and wary bucks have the tendency to become careless and more visible during the rut, this time can be one of the most exciting of the hunting season to kill a trophy whitetail.

This peak period can be a chaotic and unpredictable time in the field with hunting pressure, weather conditions, and deer herd composition, it’s important to fully understand how the rut works in order to leverage it for your success during the hunting season.

In Deer & Deer Hunting’s Guide to Hunting the Rut, grow to understand the three phases of the rut – pre-rut, rut, and post-rut, and how understanding each of these phases can help you become a better hunter.

“I’m a rut junkie. OK, there I’ve said it. I can’t get enough of reading about that magical time in the whitetail woods,” says Deer & Deer Hunting editor Gordy Krahn. “And paging through ‘Deer & Deer Hunting’s Guide to Hunting the Rut’ was just the fix I needed to get me pumped up for this fall. Great info on all the phases of the rut. With contributions from some of my favorite whitetail guys — John Ozoga, Jeremy Flinn, Charlie Ashheimer and a bunch of others — I know it’s top-notch research I can take to the bank.”

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Inform yourself about the rut and corresponding deer behavior with contributions from experts. Discover how to maximize your time in the field in order to realize more success killing big bucks, and get top tactics from top names like Patrick Meitin, Bill Vaznis, John Eberhart and more.

In Deer & Deer Hunting’s Guide to Hunting the Rut you’ll find:

  • Rut hunting strategies that work in a variety of locations and situations
  • Tips and tricks for rattling and calling, reading rubs and other signs, increasing buck sightings finding success during late-season hunts, and more
  • Experience-based advice on various rut topics like mock scrapes, mature buck sanctuaries, testosterone studies, moon theories, core areas, and much more.

Click here to learn more now about this fascinating part of deer hunting that we love!

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