The only strip club in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is getting some exposure, so to speak, with the area’s popular firearms deer hunting season coming to a close.
Bon Bon’s bar and strip club in Rock, Mich., was profiled in USA Today as a hotspot for deer hunters looking for a beverage and apparently some companionship that doesn’t have hairy legs and camo or flannel. (Profiled … heh, no pun intended.)
Deer hunters have a buck pole for their success in the field. Obviously, they’re not terribly shy in some places about checking out the dancers’ stage pole, either!
During Michigan’s two-week firearm deer season from Nov. 15-30, it’s not just the restaurants, bars and stores that look forward to the influx of hunters and the extra income they bring. At the only strip club in the Upper Peninsula, hunting season is like Christmas.
“We probably do 20 to 30% of our business during firearm deer season,” said Lisa Storti, the 54-year-old owner of Big Bon’s in Rock, a roadhouse-style bar along a desolate highway in the Upper Peninsula wilderness. “We are right in deer-hunting territory. This is where people’s camps are. And hunting season is huge for us.”
Well, it makes sense. Some hunters enjoy getting away from camp to visit with fellow hunters and other folks, socialize and tell tall tales. Right? So there’s no doubt the establishment and its lovely lasses could make a few extra bucks during the hunting season.
The dancers say they are providing a needed service.
“Bonnie explained it to us as ‘the girlfriend experience,’ ” said Raven, 26, who grew up in Gladstone. She travels the country to work in clubs as far away as New Orleans. But she came home to Big Bon’s, her first job, for hunting season.
“What they want is a beautiful girl that they pay to give them attention, to sit and listen to their problems, to give them advice, to be there and just be kind of a therapist. They get all the good girlfriend stuff without all the whining and griping,” she said.
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