Are You A Dirt-Sniffin’ Deer Hunting Outdoors Addict?

Most outdoorsy folks I know love the smell of dirt, freshly-turned dirt like in a field or if you’re in the woods scraping out a little spot for a mock scrape or mineral lick.

You know that aroma, right? Rich, full, heady with probably decaying matter and minerals and whatever else is there. It’s one of those things you can’t forget and just a whiff — in the woods, in the yard, at the park, summer or winter, spring or fall — it gets your motor running.

Bucks emerging from woodsThe original Bottomland camo from Mossy Oak reminds me of dirt, probably in part because Toxey Haas said he took a fistful of leaves and sticks and dirt to create it decades ago. Over the Labor Day weekend I was doing some work at our hunting spot including raking a little kill plot to plant some rye. Man, that dirt smelled fantastic.

Some hunters like to have no aroma at all when they’re in the woods and others may want something to match the area. Pine or cedar scent, for example, or maybe a different cover scent. Fox pee used to be a big one. Skunk pee was another, back in the day, but I always wondered about that. Why would you want to smell like a skunk when skunks usually sprayed and got stinky only when danger was around?

Crosswinds soapI normally go with a dirt scent for cover. Crosswinds Brand has a new line that includes a Black Earth “scent masking soap.” Also some lotion, in case you want to have an extra cover-up (and also get smooth, silky hands). The soap and lotion are available in black earth, pine and cedar swamp, as well as a scent-free version. It’s good stuff.

We’ve seen a lot of products over the years. We’re partial to some, like the Wildlife Research line. Don Bell has a new Scent Defense repellent-attractant combo body/hair wash that, so far, has proven to be pretty doggone skippy against Alabama mosquitoes. More on that to come after more testing in the field, though.

Love the dirt, though. Dirt on my hands, dirt therapy on weekends, whenever possible. Dirt’s cool.




If you struggle with field-dressing deer by yourself, check out the High Tail Assistant. It’s easy to use and makes the field-dressing process simpler and more efficient so you can get home with great venison for your recipes.


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  • Easy to set up in seconds
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