Godspeed the Queens of the Forest!

Shemane Nugent quickly learned to love the self-sustaining outdoors lifestyle and loves it!
Shemane Nugent quickly learned to love the self-sustaining outdoors lifestyle and loves it!

I’ve said it before and it is truly worth repeating on a regular basis, that, according to the greatest philosopher of all times, his Eminence Sir Dirty Harry, that:

A good man has got to know his limitations.”

As a married man, this may very well be the most important truism we worship every day in order to have the only hope for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

My incredible wife Shemane is my soulmate, that’s for sure. Quite possibly more important than that definitive soulful bond is the fact that she is my best hunting buddy too.

Amanda Helms with a gorgeous TedBirthday Beast buck!
Amanda Helms with a gorgeous TedBirthday Beast buck!

She had never hunted a day in her adventurous Michigan life prior to running into the MotorCity Madman. But in short order, mustering all the charm, manliness, soulfulness and effervescence I could possibly muster, she not only became mine all mine, but it also wasn’t long before the self-evident responsibility of wildlife resource stewardship and the dynamic hunting/outdoor lifestyle imprinted a permanent place in her heart, soul, mind and psyche.

Even though she is one of the smartest, most educated women on the planet, the honesty of responsible consumerism will be embraced by most anyone honest enough to admit it.

The joys of the aim small miss small shooting disciplines will thrill any human fortunate enough to experience them, and with proper nurturement will become a big part of one’s life.

Shemane immediately fell in love with archery, marksmanship and all things projectile management, and it wasn’t very long before she plunged pretty head first into hunting.

Jenna Mathews didn't miss out on the birthday bash fun, either!
Jenna Mathews didn’t miss out on the birthday bash fun, either!

And she has not only become extremely adept at it all, but most importantly, her uppity passionate promotion of it has impacted many women around the world to give it a try themselves who more than likely would have never given it a second thought.

As we wrapped up my 18th annual Ted Nugent Birthday Hunt Bash at the amazing Ox Ranch in South Texas, once again the contagiousness of her love of hunting was more than apparent in the women who joined us.

Wives and girlfriends that may have never tried their hands at deerhunting joined us and proved why this female demographic is the fastest growing segment of the shooting sports and hunting world.

Shemane put in the patience testing hours to bag a stunning Hill Country whitetail 8 point buck with her Excalibur crossbow.

My wonderful daughter Sasha Emma looks forward to our father/daughter deerhunt together each November, and it has become the most gratifying day of hunting in my life.

Jenna Mathews proved her Michigan deerhunting heritage with a dandy buck as well while hunting with us at the Ox Ranch.

Sasha and Cannan weren't going to be left out of the birthday buck bash festivities, either!
Sasha and Cannan weren’t going to be left out of the birthday buck bash festivities, either!

Amanda Helms has discovered a new and exciting dynamic at the masterful direction of husband Kris and become a very proficient hunter with both rifle and crossbow.

Tracy Martoccia from Arizona enjoys regular success with her gungho hunting hubby/partner Joe on many thrilling excursions.

The exciting stories around the nightly campfire are always a highlight of our deercamps, but when the women start to share their deer encounter experiences with everyone you can feel the genuine passion they exude.

We hear from gals often from all across the country that are inspired to share their newfound love of hunting with Shemane.

I have always said that we never need to defend hunting, we need to always celebrate and promote hunting, and there is no better way to do so then to expose as often as possible to the best of our abilities, the raw, honest, natural instinct of women who live it and love it as they blow the lies and nastiness of the anti-hunting weirdos to smithereens.

With Christmas celebration right around the corner, give it some serious thought on getting shooting sports gifts for the women in your life. And make the commitment to sacrifice our own time afield and take it slow and easy to spend more time dedicated to their outdoor experiences.

Deercamps are the greatest places in the world, but when there are excitable, dedicated women hunters in attendance, I am here to tell you that they make the best deercamps even better.

Godbless the Queens of the Forests!

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning With the 2017 Whitetails Wall Calendar!

gift-guide-calendarFrom Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2017 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2017 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get this amazing resource now!

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