In Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Caring BloodBrothers Unite

Lord have mercy! Surely there is more than plenty of SpiritWild celebration to be rejoiced here the first glorious week of September! Afterall, we have been waiting all yearlong for the magical mystical stimulating fall season and God knows many fellow backstrappers are already out in full force all across America!

My phone and laptop is exploding with stunning photos of happy hunters and beautiful kills and the joy is growing like a tidal wave coast to coast.

As powerful and important as our precious fall hunting season is, occasionally some things just naturally supersede this amazing quality of life dynamo for all of us.

Here in the pages of I often emphasize and exalt the pivotal role we as hands-on conservationists perform for wildlife, the environment and our fellow man.

But in the continuing saga of the tragedy that is hurricane Harvey, never has it been more obvious to the entire world just how caring and hands-on we sporters truly are.

Even the dastardly fakenews zealots who constantly mock and ridicule us at every opportunity could not hide from nor edit out the presence of the deerhunters, duckhunters, NRA members and gun nuts that are spearheading the heroic rescue missions across the gulf stormfront.

Nearly every pickup truck window, T-shirt, cap, every camouflage duckboat and bassboat glows of the imagery of outdoor families of America that are making sacrifices and taking life-threatening risks to save and help our fellow man during these tragic and dangerous times.

Neighbor helping neighbor regardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnicity, gender identity or political affiliation, strangers giving all to help strangers were visible on every newscast night after night, day after day.

When the storm slammed into Texas and Louisiana, America’s redneck we the people shitkicker army charged to the frontlines never thinking of themselves, but rather responding to their natural world lifestyle and instincts to do the right thing and help others.

I know these tough, rugged, taking care of business Americans and I have never been more proud of every politically incorrect thing we stand for.

These are the deplorables that Hillary Clinton and Rachel Maddow and CNN scoff at and condemn. In between clinging to our religion and our guns, there is never any hesitancy to think of others first.

These are the same rugged individuals that are a part of the pain of rush hour traffic five and six days a week fifty weeks a year.

These are the guys with the lifted trucks with oversize tires and wheels that were able to forge the raging waters to rescue entire neighborhoods, pets and livestock.

Working tirelessly, sometimes around the clock with little or no sleep or meals in wet, nasty, muddy clothing, more often than not it takes a deerhunting redneck to get the job done, plow forward and improvise, adapt and overcome.

They used their own trucks and boats, paid for their own fuel, provided food and water at their own expense, refused compensation and were not interested in getting any glory or credit, never accepting for a minute that they were any kind of hero.

They just did the right thing and showed that inimitable American warrior can do spirit.

Let this wonderful reminder to the world buoy your own spirit as we enter this fall hunting season. You may even want to mention to family, friends and coworkers how the BloodBrothers are always there when you need them.

Sometimes you give the world the best you got and you get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you got anyway.

Happy Happy fall BloodBrothers.

With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include “Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto;” “God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “Kill It & Grill It.” This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode!  For allthings Nuge, visit


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