Let’s Celebrate Our American-Iron Venison Haulers!

A campfire is great anytime of the year, right?
A campfire is great anytime of the year, right?

Ya gotta love deerhunting campfires! Here at CampNuge we gather round the sacred SpiritFire throughout the year where communication and positive spirit flow unencumbered.

Sure, our shared love for nature as healer and the mighty beasts that call our name, intrigue us, feed us and drive us wild are always discussed with great fervor and passion, but I doubt there is a subject matter that isn’t dissected, analyzed, reviewed and scrutinized with mucho gusto in these very special uninhibited settings.

By Ted Nugent

Recently such fires were shared again with us in Texas and in Michigan where an oft repeated subject once again rose to the fore- American horsepower and how we hunters customize and tweak it for our swamprunning, ridgerunning, desertrunning, junglerunning deerhauling duties all across North America.

The ol' beast is a grindin' force of American ingenuity that keeps on getting the job done!
The ol’ beast is a grindin’ force of American ingenuity that keeps on getting the job done!

With constant news reports of floods and other natural disasters always reoccurring across the land, we have noticed that whenever a big badass lifted pickup truck is plowing through blizzards or floods or tornado ravaged debris that there is always someone at the wheel wearing camo with various sporting goods decals and imagery on the vehicles windows.

Two powerful conclusions can be drawn to anyone honestly paying attention; first that it is always hunters that come to the rescue and secondly that big badass pickup trucks are the only vehicles up to the task in dangerous, life threatening, Ma Nature gone mad conditions.

I remember like it was just yesterday on that earth-shattering, life changing morning of October 10, 1975, when I ascended to the deerhunting heavens and the planets aligned, where my Micro-Flite #10 glass arrow tipped with a Bear Razorhead from my Bear Take-Down recurve brought to bag one fine Michigan 12 point whitetail, my first whitetail buck bowkill ever.

It was just one month earlier when I joined the great Ron Chamberlain and Fred Bear BloodBrothers from Leslie Michigan on the mystical slopes of the Umcompahgre National Forest in Western Colorado that my arrow found its mark on a phenomenal 28” 5×5 Rocky Mountain muledeer stag.

Yowza! You can't miss this beautiful Bronco!
Yowza! You can’t miss this beautiful Bronco!

Talk about the highest of highs! In both instances I was able to take the dream to the next dream level when I loaded these hard earned trophies onto the tailgate of my beloved 1971 Ford Bronco.

I had purchased this classic 4×4 and customized it just for these magic venison hauling moments and the little bobtail Bill Stroppe invention performed flawlessly and valiantly both in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and Michigan farmland forests.

I still have three of these wonderful Ford Broncos, and Lord have mercy can they haul the beasts no matter where they might fall!

In the future I will go into gory detail on just what I have done to these awesome 4×4 beasts, but suffice it to say, nothing hauls venison like a deerhunters venison hauling truck!

I’ve got this stunning little original 1966 ½ cab beauty that was completely rebuilt by the wrenchgodz at Build-A-Bronco and Butler Body Shop in Michigan. With the original 200ci straight 6 and a custom 2’ lift from James Duff Bronco, Warn winch and this little booger has enough growl and torque to fetch my deer no matter how nasty the slop.

My 1974 Bronco was wrenched back to life by the Bronco Masters at Jeff’s Bronco Graveyard in South Lyon Michigan. Snorting fire from a Ford Racing 360 Stroker V8, a James Duff suspension, Warn winch, KC Daylighters, American Racing ATX wheels on 37” BFG Mudder radials, and a fullon Whelen Engineering police lighting array, this classic beauty can, will and does go anywhere I aim her.

Then there is The Beast! The ultimate Beast! Originally created in 1982 by his majesty Bill Stroppe, the original designer of the amazing Bronco, with the help of Ford Racing and a firebreathing 800+HP Roush Yates full race V8, Whelen Engineering police lights, bulletproof Currie axles, Summit Racing, Carolina Driveline, Sweet Thunder exhaust, Mastercraft and Bridgestone 42s, James Duff suspension, all wrenched by Todd Miller Garage in Mosherville, Michigan, Warn winch and enough candlepower by Rigid Industries to scorch a critter at longrange, I am of the firm belief that this is the baddest ass Ford Bronco in the world.

Just sayin!

Sometimes these old American-iron haulers carry more attractive things, too!
Sometimes these old American-iron haulers carry more attractive things, too!

So American truckdog deerhunters unite! Be proud of our rigs, though designed for our beloved sport and way of life, be ever so confident that when the going gets tough, it will always be us tough truckers with our tough tucks that take care of business for the less-truckers out there.

Happy summertime 2016 my backstrap BloodBrothers. Time is a clicking by and before you know it, we will fireup our venison hauling beasts and get out there for our annual sacred harvest celebration and haul straps like we mean it.

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning

2016 DDH Whitetail Wall CalendarFrom Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the 2016 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2016 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars today for home, work and deer camp!

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