Still Celebrating the Predator Purity After All These Years

TED  doe

Okay all my backstrap BloodBrothers, altogether now with spirit; Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear WhackMaster StrapAssassin1 Uncle Ted, happy birthday to me!

By Ted Nugent

Oh my but that sounded so sweet, almost romantic now didn’t it. Yes, it did. Thank you very much.

And so it was on the not so mean streets of the throttling work ethic, productivity epicenter of my beloved birth city of Detroit on that cold, blustery December 13th day, 1948, that young Ted squirted out into the American Dream, full of piss and vinegar, attitude and mystical flight of the rock-n-roll arrow SpiritWild, and now all these 67 amazing years later, that indefatigable American Dream has never been more intense, gratifying, testing, fun and exhilarating than it is during this phenomenal deerseason 2015/16.

That I was born into an America that the entire world revered for putting an end to the Japanese and Nazi evil, and where the industrial revolution was scorching forward for the greatest quality of life ever known to humankind.

Oh lucky, lucky me!

But beyond all those good fortune conditions, my birth in 1948 just so happened to coincide with the electrifying of the guitar by his master Les Paul, and lo and behold, the return to the mystical flight of the arrow by his majesty Fred Bear right there in my homestate of Michigan!

TED in his plaid jacket and whompin stickDid I mention oh lucky, lucky me!

My dad was already a follower of this great man and his contagious promotion of better understanding the hunting ethic, conservation, wildlife respect and our proper place in nature by the self-imposed restrictions of the closerange bow and arrow to take game.

I’m sure I was stalking and whacking stuffed animals in the living room with my little suction cup archery gear by the time I was in my terrible two’s.

And from those humble beginnings, my love affair with the outdoor lifestyle and my beloved wildlife grew exponentially year by year, to this point in time as I celebrate my 67th birthday with a tribe of fellow hunters in the game rich wilds of the Texas Hill Country.

Back when I turned 50, I realized that my passion and nonstop promotion of hunting and conservation was positively impacting many people around the world, and so I responded to the tsunami of requests to join me on the hunt and established my annual Ted Nugent HuntBash Party here in Texas.

Though way back in 1989 I created our Sunrize Safaris outfit to book, outfit and guide hunters all around the world, for the last 15 years we have had the times of our lives at the famous YO Ranch in Mountain Home, Texas where 36 or so hunters join me and my family for what all have raved to be the most fun hunt of their lives.

As the ultimate party animal that I am, I now load up my truck with sporting goods and gear heading south past San Antonio to the Ox Ranch in Uvalde, Texas where I will join a great bunch of American hunters to help me celebrate my big day.

My idea of the ultimate party happens to include family, friends, hunting, campfires, backstraps, guitars, hunting songs, machineguns, laughter, bloody arrows, gutpiles, glowing sunrises and sunsets from a treestand, and opening up my favorite gift; a recently dead herbivore with an arrow wound through the pumpstation.

Sounds like incredible fun, doesn’t it!

So here’s a little reminder to all you young hunters out there who read your Uncle Ted NugeBlogs here; your American Dream is only available clean and sober, conscientiously fueling your sacred temple with quality fuel, never allowing poisons or garbage into your body, remaining cocked, locked and ready to rock doc, maximizing your level of awareness so as to be an asset to yourself, your family, your fellow man and the good mother earth.

This is not my opinion, nor a rock-n-roll guitar guy’s hunch. It is a universal truism for quality of life, happiness and fulfillment.

67 is a pretty good run so far, and though anything can happen at any time, intelligent and responsible decisions will always serve you well, and if you’re reading this, you probably already know that.

I look forward to at least 25 more opening days, and with the Good Lord willing, I will stay on course maximizing my soul cleansing outdoor time and celebrating as many Spirit of the Wild birthdays as I possibly can.

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Stay Safe and Hunt Longer This Season!
DDH Treestand safety Resource KitAre you familiar with the safety precautions that need to be put in place in order to ensure proper tree stand placement and usage? If the answer is “no,” or you feel like you need to brush up on your tree stand safety skills, then the Tree Stand Safety Resource Kit is for you. Containing three prime resources regarding tree stand safety, this collection will ensure you’re well on your way to avoiding as much danger as possible while installing, climbing or descending from, or using a tree stand. Begin with Treestand Safety and Placement, and learn the proper method for hanging a stand. You’ll also get placement advice for the best hunting.

See this great kit here …

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