Ted Nugent hunting blog

Nugent: El Frio Winter Deer Fun

Ted Nugent hunting blog
A mighty musk ox.

Swear to God the thermometer read 72 degree below zero! Fahrenheit! No, really! My Alaska bowhunting BloodBrother Dave Widby and I were slogging across the frozen arctic tundra in search of the wooly mammoth musk ox, bundled up beyond the Pillsbury Dough Boy meets the Michelin Man against the coldest of freezing cold mother Nature could possible throw our way!

It was wonderful and exciting, but Good Lord almighty was it ever COLD!

We were nonetheless pretty comfortable and snugged up, fully insulated in our state of the art gonzo muy frio attire of multi-layered heavy wool, down filled long-johns and every imaginable Thinsulate/Goretex goodies known to man back in the 1990s.

In these most challenging conditions possible, we did both get lucky and arrowed two dandy record book quality trophy wooly beasts on this phenomenal adventure. Whenever I might get a little chill and move a little closer to the fireplace, my body tingles and my mind reels with memories of this deadly freezing safari in the iced over North country of the Last Frontier.

As a lifelong Michigan bowhunter, I have certainly had my share of incredibly frozen vigils in dangerously below zero conditions in the last 69 deerseasons. I so remember all those years in the 1950s and 60s when all we had was wool, insulated Herman Survivor leather boots and cotton long-johns. Thank God for those old lighter fluid operating pocket hand warmers, eh!

Even now as I wrap up my 2017-2018 deerseason at home in Texas, we are experiencing our share of single-digit temperatures to adequately test our resolve to keep warm, persevere and stick with it.

When I went to my treestand yesterday afternoon around 3 o’clock here in mid-January, the temperature was a warmer than usual 63 degrees even for this part of the Hill Country. Wearing my lightweight Savanah ScentLok jacket was more than enough to handle the occasional yet ever increasing cool wind change from east to north.

Just a few hours later by the time a trio of buttonbuck whitetails nibbled their way in under my big oak the temperature had decreased by at least 20 degrees, and I was starting to wish I wore my Stormy Kromer hat and a heavier jacket.

At dusk with the north wind picking up, a pair of axis does cautiously crept into range. With the best venison in the world moving in, I fought off the chills, aimed small and missed small with a very pretty Gold Tip arrow straight through the spotted hide into the pump station for a very gratifying FUN SPORT MEAT TROPHY evening of bowhunting perfection.

I still get a serious case of buck fever every time my predator brain kicks into “kill mode” on any animal, be it a woodchuck, squirrel, big ol’ buck or little ol’ doe, and falling temperatures always seem to exacerbate the nerve rattling excitement for me.

Jim Knapp Ted Nugent
Jim Knapp

My buddies Jim Knapp and Clint Henrickson both arrowed great bucks in the Illinois late season and like all late season hunters, they had to gear up and endure the harsh elements of old man winter. Son Toby was properly prepared for the coldest of cold when he finally arrowed his December 30th Michigan whitetail swamp beast in windy, snowy, below freezing conditions.

The old US Marine Corp adage of improvise, adapt and overcome is also the mantra of successful late season deerhunters.

As I dedicate many of my winter days to cut, split, haul and stack firewood to stoke the warming logs in my fireplace, I do my best to retain the heat it all provides, for in an hour or so I will dress accordingly to bowhunt this evening in 15-degree wind-chill conditions. I will be sure to touch off a few arrows beforehand at the Morell 3-D range before heading afield to make sure my archery form is still manageable in all these heavy clothes.

This late season bowhunting is some of the most fun bowhunting there is. I wish all of you dedicated backstrappers that are still at it the very best of luck. I hope you stay warm and hunt like you mean it. I am out there with you!


With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll and Kill It & Grill It.This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode!  For all things Nuge, visit www.tednugent.com

Maximize Your Deer Season With this 2018 Whitetails Calendar!
From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2018 Whitetails Calendar is your top deer hunting resource! Whether in print or digital format, use this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars now!

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