Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

xe2x80x9cOoohhh xe2x80xa6 Itxe2x80x99s gamey!xe2x80x9d

xe2x80x9cI tried venison once but didnxe2x80x99t like the gamey taste.xe2x80x9d

In my lifetime of never-ending worldly travels, the subject of hunting and wildlife always comes up.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

Everybody knows Ixe2x80x99m a gungho lifetime hunter and they always remark that I appear pretty healthy for a 70-year-old gonzo rock-n-roll explorer.

Remaining clean and sober my entire life certainly has an awful lot to do with my overall good health, spirit and attitude, but so does my wild-game diet.

I consider wild-game meat to be rocketfuel for the soul.

Quite remarkably, I really donxe2x80x99t do anything differently at the age of 70 that I didnxe2x80x99t do in my 20s and 30s.


We have awakened many people to the benefits and joys of a wild-game diet, and even old sage backstrappers have remarked how delicious our game dishes are.

Regular readers of Deer and Deer Hunting are fortunate to have access to constant updates and upgrades on critter handling, venison recipes and the unlimited benefits from the plethora of information in these pages written by real-deal venison aficionados.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

As I prepare to wrap up what can only be described as the best deer season of my life and the best deerhunting campfires of my life, I have been reminded time and time again how many deerhunters take, shall we say, less than ideal due diligence when handling the sacred flesh.

I am writing this little ditty here in the afterglow of the 2018-2019 deerseason so that we all have a good solid year to think about what I and so many other sporters believe to be the most important responsibility that we have as hunters; the reverential utility, wise-use conservation of these precious wildlife resources for the dinner table.

This will all sound tediously redundant to most of us hardcore backstrappers, but based on hundreds of conversations around hundreds of campfires this past season alone and many more over the years prior, sometimes people get lackadaisical when it comes to the critical steps determining quality venison.

A refresher course a year in advance will be real good for us to review all of the important steps, but mostly for Step Number One: Shot placement.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

Where we hit our deer can make all of the difference in the world for quality venison, so now is the time to commit to serious practice throughout the year so that we kill our critters quick and clean.

The quicker the kill the tastier the meat.

After the kill, Step Two is a quick recovery that is just as critical in order to begin the thorough cleaning process.

This step can also be practiced throughout the year by spending as much time as we possibly can in the deerwoods and or outback, becoming the best woodsman that we can be. Attentive field time will make us better trackers for a quicker recovery.

Then, one of my favorite things in life is the celebration at the side of the beast where we gut and clean our prize, which will also make or break the quality of our tablefare.

Step Three is getting that gutted and cleaned carcass cooled off as quickly as possible, whether in a walk-in cooler, a commercial portable cooler or straight to the professional butcher where the meat can age adequately for tenderizing and flavor-enhancing enzyme breakdown.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

Step Four is simply making certain that if a professional butcher is hired, we know damn sure he or she has the same love affair with our hard-earned prize that we do, for if our properly handled deer is batched up with a bunch of mishandled carcasses, there is no way that you will get the delicious game flavor that we deserve.

Make certain that your butcher butchers your deer and returns the meat to you from your deer, or all of that extra effort will be for naught.

Now for the proper appreciation for the original meaning of the word “gamey.”

Every world-class chef will agree wholeheartedly that the ultimate meal begins with and is based on wild game.

The word gamey has always been the ultimate compliment, a defining positive.

Somewhere along the line, the disconnected-from-nature amongst us got a mouthful of mishandled game meat and attributed its gaminess to their unfortunate experience with bad-tasting meat.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

I am convinced that those who winced and found game to be distasteful, actually bit into a chunk of venison that was exposed to guts, bile, urine, lingering blood or just plain irresponsible handling.

Gamey is good!

When all of those proper steps are followed attentively and with sincere care, I believe pretty much any kitchen procedure or recipe will be just wonderful.

Sticking to traditional beef, pork and lamb recipes will always work good with venison, as long as cooked on the rare side, and the sky is the limit where creative chefs and kitchen wenches can get adventurous with cooking methods, seasonings, oils, herbs and spices.

I am of the humble opinion that the simpler venison is handled the better.

My favorite recipe is sacred flesh, salt, pepper, good oil and butter and hot coals.

Canxe2x80x99t go wrong.

We have plenty of months now to get ready for next season, and if you are like all of the crazy hunters that I know, every week leading up to opening day is genuine preparation time to be well spent with killinxe2x80x99 and grillinxe2x80x99 on our minds.

Nugent Venison Care and Cooking Refresher Alert

You may even want to pick up a copy of my wife Shemanexe2x80x99s and my killer cookbook, Kill It & Grill It from Regnery Publishing.

We take our hunting seriously and we take our consumption of our hard-earned sacred flesh even more so.

Aim small miss small, and kill xe2x80x98em and grill xe2x80x98em like you mean it.

Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT announces a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO ITdue out Friday, November 9, on Round Hill Records. The album is available now for preorder everywhere, and the title track xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.

Ted Nugent xe2x80x93 xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d (Official Music Video)

With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nationxe2x80x99s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue xe2x80x94The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock xe2x80x98nxe2x80x99 Roll and Kill It & Grill It.This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit


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