It’s warm in the Southeast and colder up north thanks to Mother Nature waving her icy hand, but no matter what’s going on in deer season it’s always time for a bowl of venison chili.
If you don’t have any venison in the freezer yet, don’t sweat it. Just use some good ground beef and hone your recipe before you get a chance to kill a few does or a buck. If you’ve been fortunate enough to get some fresh meat, congrats! Fire up the chili pot and get ready for some good vittles.
Venison Chili
1 pound dry kidney beans
1 pound ground venison
1 pound venison stew meat, in 1/2-inch chunks
2 Tbsp. oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 teaspoons chili powder
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
28-ounce can tomatoes, diced
1 large onion,diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 large green chili pepper, diced
¼ tsp. cumin
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
¼ cup masa flour or all purpose flour
Rinse beans and place in a large soup kettle. Add 2 quarts water and 2 teaspoons salt; cover the pot and bring to a boil. Boil gently for about 2 hours, until beans are tender. Brown meat in a large skillet containing oil and garlic. Add chili powder, salt and pepper. Cover and saute for an hour. Drain the beans and add 1½ quarts water, tomatoes, onion, peppers, cumin and parsley. Simmer for an hour, then add meat mixture. Stir masa flour into ½ cup water to form a paste and blend into chili to thicken. Simmer for about half an hour, adjust the seasonings and serve.
Sounds great! Add some buttered garlic bread, cheese toast or some great homemade cornbread, and you’re set for a super meal!
Get More Great Recipes For Your Venison!
If you’re looking for more great venison recipes, be sure to check out Wild Game: Food for Your Family by Stacy Harris. She’s compiled some super tips, insights and recipes in this great cookbook that you’ll greatly enjoy. Harris has a large family and they’re reliant on wild game, fish and fresh vegetables and fruit they grow at their home. You can’t miss with these mouth-watering recipes.
Get your copy today and order some for Christmas gifts, too!