Hunting deer and other big game animals from elevated stands is nothing new, with Native Americans and pioneers utilizing bluffs, trees and other perches to see animals approaching.
But today we have the incredible luxury of sturdy metals, weather-resistant seats that are comfortable, and the ability to put these ladder stands pretty much wherever we want to in the woods or near food plots.
Some hunters prefer to build wooden stands but with the cost and time involved to secure the materials, get quality materials, build it and then and erect the stand, it might be better in the long run to purchase a good, quality metal stand that will last longer than wood that can rot, split, be eaten by termites or insects and have rungs that come loose over time.

Whatever the choice, it’s no secret ladder stands are popular. Today’s trend seems to be more roomy 2-man stands, which is what we’re discussing on this episode of Deer Talk Now. Dan Schmidt gives some super info about stands and how to erect them safely.
Watch as a two man ladder stand goes from the box to the woods in less than 5 minutes! (with the aid of time lapse video, of course). Schmidt also discusses today’s super-sized ladder stands for safer, more comfortable hunting, what to look for when shopping for the best tree stand for your deer hunting needs, and how to set up ladder stands.