A good deer rifle is a tool that should work for you at the range and in the field, instilling confidence and doing a task when called upon no matter what the conditions.
But you can’t ignore it, either. Your best deer rifle, whether it’s 38 years old or brand new off the shelf from the store, needs to be cared for. Knowing how to clean a deer rifle is one of the best things you can learn to do, and it’s also a great thing to teach your son or daughter.
Dan Schmidt from Deer & Deer Hunting learns how to clean a deer rifle in 3 easy steps with help from Jake Edson, who explains the new Hoppe’s No. 9 gun-cleaning kit “1-2-3 Done!”
This video was shot at the 2015 SHOT Show in Las Vegas.
Maximize Your Deer Season Planning With the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar!
From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2015 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.
The calendar features amazing whitetail deer photography, capturing deer in all the seasons and providing deer activity charts so you can plan your hunt. It’s not only the most useful calendar you’ll own, but quite possibly the ultimate gift for any deer hunter!
With the 2015 DDH Whitetails Wall Calendar you’ll learn:
- When the seeking, chasing and tending phases of the rut will occur for North & South
- Predicted dates of Major & Minor deer activity in 2015
- Daily 2015 Moon-phase data
- Peak rut activity for the 2015 season
- When to plan your vacation around the 2015 whitetail rut
Get this amazing resource now and start plotting your hunting season!