Let’s be honest. Slug guns are not the most effective, efficient or accurate tools for shooting white-tailed deer. But in many places they’re mandatory.

Let’s be honest. Slug guns are not the most effective, efficient or accurate tools for shooting white-tailed deer. But in many places they’re mandatory.
Long gone are the days when hunting with a shotgun stuffed with crudely rifled slugs reduced deer hunting to a poke and a hope.
Put this late-season hunt guide — and your muzzleloader, slug gun or rifle — to good use. There’s nothing like a winter whitetail on the ground to warm your deer-hunting heart.
Shotguns and slug guns remain very popular for deer hunting, for good reasons. Just consider these three aspects when you’re looking at shotguns to use this deer season.
There are more choices in deer hunting than just rifles. Shotguns and handguns have plenty of fans in the deer woods, and quite a few states and counties still mandate their use. Here are the hottest new hand cannons, pump guns and slug throwers from the 2018 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas.
Whitetails have adapted to survive on small tracts, and if you’re going to hunt these homebodies you might need to shift your tactics.
Deer hunting fans have the chance to enjoy more than two dozen new episodes of two of the best outdoors shows available today with the return of Working Class Whitetails and Hunt ’em Big.
Ground blind hunting is among the coolest and most effective ways to pursue deer, but there are aspects of using the stealthy setups that must be kept in mind to get the most out of them.
Whitetails make numerous reactions when a bullet or arrow impacts it that can provide useful information. One of the most interesting is the mule kick.
Browning’s new BXS slugs offer strong knockdown power for whitetail deer thanks to special engineering in its solid copper sabot slug.