For more than 50 years I have been doing everything in my power to turn people on to the ultimate quality protein and sustenance known to man xe2x80x93 VENISON! In each and every case, I have succeeded in educating non-hunters and even anti-hunters, and even animal rights freaks to this inescapable reality. In many instances they are extremely resistant due to the myth of xe2x80x9cgaminessxe2x80x9d and ignorance of truly pure organic food.
It doesnxe2x80x99t matter if it is the primo backstraps, hindquarter haunch, flank steaks, or ground burger in a nice chili or spaghetti, every man, woman child has raved about the delicious taste and come to grips with the superior nutrition that wild game meat provides.
But herexe2x80x99s the rub xe2x80x93 in far too many cases, the mishandling of our game translates into some nasty inedible yuck that has turned the positive term xe2x80x9cgamey,xe2x80x9d into a negative scare tactic that not only turns people unnecessarily away from venison, but does nothing to endear them to our beloved sport.
And herexe2x80x99s why; in most states a local butcher handles so many carcasses that they all get heaped into one big heat-making pile. Add to this mishandling the fact that so many hunters do a piss-poor job of gutting and handling their deer in the field and during transport to the butcher, that now we have the perfect storm for spoilage and bacteria buildup that spells disaster for the magnificent beast that provided us this very special gift.
So this NugeBlog is going out there to the experienced and knowledgeable sporters and butchers out there to push harder at deercamp and beyond to educate our fellow hunters how critical good game handling is for a quality end product of precious meat.
“There’s Fred Bear, Howard Hill, Ben Pearson, and when it comes to crossbows xe2x80x93 it was William Tell.”
Kill em clean, gut em clean, keep em clean and cold, make sure you know your butcher intimately to make certain he handles your animal with all the tender loving care it deserves and your familiesxe2x80x99 meals deserve.
I know my local game warden, chief of police, sheriff, state trooper commander, farmers and butcher. With the proper care and respect, venison is the best flesh a person could ever make a meal out of. Revere the beast and the ultimate meals await you.
Goodluck, good hunting, Godbless & Godspeed, celebrate the flesh,
For more Ted go to
Rock On With Ted’s 2 CD & DVD Set
Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT has a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO IT, released on Friday, November 9, on Round Hill Records. The album is available now for order everywhere, and the title track xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.
Ted Nugent xe2x80x93 xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d (Official Music Video)
With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nationxe2x80x99s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue xe2x80x94The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock xe2x80x98nxe2x80x99 Roll and Kill It & Grill It.This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit
Here is a perspective from a guy who has been hunting all his life and is running his family’s meat packing business which is in its 96th year.
I’ve been skinning deer for over 40 years and i’ve seen just about everything and heard about everything when it comes to people not finding deer overnight.
You have to realize that when you let a deer in the woods overnight that is not gutted,the bacteria starts to grow,then the gas starts to build up in the deer,that’s if it isn’t gut shot.Even if the steam comes out of the inside of the deer the next day,you still have a certain amount of spoilage.What you don’t know is when did this deer die ? How long has it been dead laying there with the nasty bacteria growing in it ? Ever heard of BOTULISM or E-COLI ?? In my experience when I discover that the deer had the guts in it overnight,I ask the customer,”Would you buy something from a meat market that smelled like this ?” OR “Is it really worth getting your family sick over ?” What is it that people just don’t get about this *I’ve had a deer brought in and showed the customer the green in the inside and he asks” Can you eat that ?” REALLY *and then they stand there and argue that they can’t smell anything ,and it’s green and smells like deer guts. !!!*
When a deer lays overnight the meat will look pale(not dark red like it should) and the fat if any on the deer will look pink or reddish colored(it should be white).Those are tell tale signs of the guts in a deer overnight,not to mention the gut smell.All the cooling and aging in the world will not get rid of the stink or bacteria left from guts in a deer too long.Even if it is in the teens for temp. overnight, the deer hair is such a good insulator that the heat can’t get out of the carcass.The bigger the animal,the bigger chance of spoilage.When a deer spoils, it usually is in the hams,shoulders and on big deer,the neck.These places are where the meat is the thickest and it is the last place the heat gets out.
Ask your buddies you make sausage with if they want your deer meat that layed with the guts in it,, mixed with the rest of their good meat and see what they say !!
Yes,,sometimes the meat might be ok after it has layed with the guts in it,but I’ve seen too much and smelled too much rotten deer meat in my life to tell someone to go ahead and eat an overnight non gutted deer.
The bottom line is ,I won’t let anyone eat anything I wouldn’t eat myself and that seems to have been working for our plant for 96+ years.
Ask Uncle Ted about our deer sausage, .I sent Ted a sample of our summer sausage many years ago and Ted being the great guy he is, wrote me a personal thank you card for that.
You are the best Ted……….
Red Lehr